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About Dennis Greaney

Born in Detroit in 1954, Dennis' fascination with photography developed at an early age. When he was 12 years old, he received his first camera and never looked back.

Dennis is largely a self-taught artist.  His creative compositions in the field merge with a mastery of technical ability in the darkroom; the second stage of creating the final image.

Through studying the work of Ansel Adams, Howard Bond, and Brett Weston, Dennis mastered the techniques traditional darkroom printing.  Over the decades he developed a critical, yet sensitive eye for the natural beauty that surrounds us.  He is able to recognize and capture the subtle details within the environment — often working in the natural light of dawn and dusk.

His peers also recognize his knowledge and talent, as he is often requested to serve as a judge at professional print competitions.  In addition, for the past 30 years Dennis has taught photography classes to hundreds of amateur and advanced amateur photographers and leads a number of photographer workshops throughout the United States and Canada.

Dennis’ work is owned by public, private, and corporate collectors throughout the country.