Thinking back to childhood and school leaf projects we were always encouraged to find and collect colorful leaves to compare their differences. I can’t say I looked too much further at the bark, trunk, or limbs to see if there were other differences. Of course, Autumn provides a treat for the senses with the brilliant transformation of colors. It is then we focus on the leaves for their beauty or watch in dismay as they collect on our lawns, adding another item to the things to do list.
Over the years I have developed an appreciation for the strong and fragile lines displayed by barren trees. Is the trunk standing strong and the limbs outstretched or is it showing it’s years of battling the forces of nature with a withered frame and dangling branches?
While hiking along the Snake River my attention was drawn to the stillness of the water reflecting the trees along the bank. The visual interest of the fine lines and patterns created by the bare trees and reflections sparked my desire to create an image. Beyond these trees the Grand Teton Mountain Range stood in majestic form. Of course, images were exposed of them as well. But, when viewing the obvious take some time to look around for the sometimes overlooked. Would this image have been the same if the trees were in full bloom? What is it that gives a tree it’s beauty?