This old barn caught our eye while exploring the area near Olympic National Park. In an effort to compress the distance between the fence and the barn I selected my longer Nikon M450 mm lens.
This created a bit of a focus problem. f-90 was needed to keep the fence and distant trees in focus. I based my exposure on the dark pines in the background. They fell on EV 12.3. The brightest area was the sunlit wood of the barn door which fell on EV15.4. With a yellow filter a +2 development was needed.
Patience was required while waiting for the wind to die down long enough for the two second exposure.
I was thankful to my good friend Tom Franks, who was able to locate the owner of the barn and secure permission to make the photographs.
The photograph is created using a 5 x 7 #Deardorff view camera and Ilford HP5 film.